Now, the MMORPG genre is a challenging period. The popularity of multiplayer role-playing games is gradually declining under the influence of two factors. First – there are more and more quality and exciting online session projects. Second – the rhythm of life is appreciably accelerating, just not giving enough time to geek out.
However, those who at least once sat down tightly on a good MMORPG know it’s a pleasant and meditative pastime. With its help, you can easily distract yourself from all the problems, forgetting about family, school, work, etc. Below are described cult and successfully developed MMORPGs that don’t even need a good computer to run.
World of Warcraft
Well, it’s an indisputable legend/hit/masterpiece – underline that. For 19 years, the project from Blizzard has successfully existed and developed, seducing millions of gamers worldwide. Now you can play here as representatives of 20+ races, 12 classes, and half a dozen professions.
Plus, the already huge open world is getting bigger and bigger. With each update, gamers record the appearance of new continents, locations unique to different classes, combat guilds, etc. At the same time, World of Warcraft shows striking compliance with each plot detail, which tells an interesting story and gradually immerses each player in a magical atmosphere of heroic adventures.
It should be noted that the plot for MMORPG is less important than, for example, for offline RPGs. But the world of WoW is so deep that they regularly shoot movies, write books, etc.
The Lord of the Rings Online
Although after the release of Peter Jackson’s trilogy, attention to the world of Tolkien experienced an unprecedented boom, this MMORPG has yet to reach the glory of WoW and is close. According to many experts and professional gamers, the main reason is that the project uses familiar game mechanics and does not bring anything new with its appearance.
However, LOTR Online fans do not agree with this. This project delights with the opportunity to immerse themselves in Middle-earth. And this is its main advantage. So, anyone with a warm feeling for the works of Tolkien has to play LOTR Online.
It should be noted that this universe has created a lot of offline games. To always be aware of the most interesting today’s RPGs, you should visit the web resource GoldenEye Vault.

In defense of LOTR Online, it should also be sure to say that the project will please you with a thoughtful and deep plot. Therefore, the player does not just feel like a nerd and enjoys participating in heroic adventures and gradually opening up the world of Middle-earth.
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Those who have dreamed of becoming a Jedi since childhood will not be able to pass by one of the most narrative MMORPGs, where you can become on the side of good and play for the Republic or help the forces of evil in the battles for the Empire.
To understand the scale of the project, it’s worth noting that it took 160+ million dollars for its launch! And the best game designers from Bioware Studios took part in the development.
Therefore, each character has depth, and the dialogues want to avoid fast-forward to the end because they offer choices and allow you to delve deeper into a world where the Force rules.
Lineage 2
Legendary MMORPG, which has long sought to take away the palm from WoW. And although its popularity has not achieved it, it has come close as possible. The game has a huge, harsh, open world, which is interesting to explore. Plus, large-scale battles for castles with exciting PvP-battles in the arena.
The signature feature of the game is a prohibitive grind. So, you must be prepared for hours of rocking and remember that with each level, you should be increasingly looked at in the direction of dungeons, where you can get experience and an elite outfit to get along. Until now, Lineage 2 has been popular because of the perfectly fine-tuned mechanics of massive PvP.